In the beginning...
In 1971, Hardy Sundberg developed the world's first self-contained composting toilet.
For the first time a self-contained toilet could be put in a bathroom and would evaporate liquids and compost solids.
The next big technical breakthrough came in 1979 when Hardy develped his third generation toilet which incorporated a rotating drum as the composting chamber. This was a three chamber design which used separate chambers for composting, evaporating, and compost finishing. Now the environment for each function could be optimized individually.
In keeping with the family tradition, a Sundberg still leads our research and development effort. SUN-MAR remains the world leader in composting toilets, and has now expanded the use of its technology to garden composters. Each SUN-MAR composting product is designed to fill a specific need, and each is distinguished by innovative design, superior technology, and SUN-MAR's legendary quality.
The way a SUN-MAR works is not only unique, it is also elegantly simple. Common sense tells us that the best way to compost is to use a drum. Luckily for SUN-MAR, our many international patents ensure that only Sun-Mar can take full advantage of the benefits a drum offers for mixing and aeration.
If you still have questions after reviewing this site, we encourage you to phone our toll free number or e-mail us to discuss your particular situation. At Sun-Mar we pride ourselves on our friendly and helpful attitude with customers and our outstanding after-sales service. We invite you to join the extended worldwide family of SUN-MAR owners.