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Garden Composter > Products > SUN-MAR 400
SUN-MAR 400 is ideal for...
Kitchen Scraps and cut up materials from a small garden.
Assembly Instructions
  1. Remove the drum from its shipping position.
  2. Snap the cradle into the drum bearings (big end first).
  3. Install the shaft and handle.
  4. Put 4" bearing end in place.
  5. Secure the drum in place by installing the drum cap.
  6. Put optional rollers in place.

That’s all. It takes longer than the 200 because it’s bigger and the handle and shaft are added complications. It can be done in 5 minutes.

SUN-MAR Garden Composter 400
The 400 is considerably bigger than the 200, but otherwise it works on the same principle as the 200. The 400 is a continuous composter designed for composting kitchen scraps and a cut up materials from small garden.

Operation of the 400
  • As with the 200, material is added to the 400 by sliding the input door open. To mix and aerate the compost, the 400 drum is rotated by turning a shaft on which a small gear bears directly against the gear teeth on the drum.
  • Compost is removed by opening the output port, rotating the drum and allowing compost to fall from the inner drum into a bushel basket or other container.

Autoflow Technology on the SUN-MAR 400
The diagram below shows how material moves into and along the outer drum. A scoop on the inner drum (not shown) collects material and pushes it along the inner drum, exiting through the output port.
  • Drum Volume: 366 Liters (approx: 11 bushel or 100 gallon)
  • Height: 36"
  • Depth: 28"
  • Overall Length: 42"
  • Product weight: 60 lbs
Included with the SUN-MAR 400

Optional Rollers

The unit has optional rollers, which can be snapped into the cradle base to make it easier to move the unit when it is  on a hard surface.

Sample Compost Swift

The 400 has a sample bottle of Compost Swift which you can use diluted by 8 to 1 to help get your composter going.

If you like it, there is a large 32 oz bottle available.

Spare Parts

You are unlikely to need then but we are including 2 spare vent plugs and one spare drum cap in case you break one.

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